Daily Moment of Awareness [9.30.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

Meditation is an experience which gives the individual the opportunity to see oneself. Unfiltered. Non-judged. Without fear.

This does not mean it is without intense emotion, but it is emotion grounded in how you see yourself. This is powerful. Many of us chip away (sometimes strip away) our authenticity in order to be accepted, to be loved, or we do it to be invisible. We then begin to see ourselves as others want to see us.

My meditative practice has been about eight years in the making. Where I am at is leaps and bounds from where I began. But what I realized today is, when I meditate I am seeing and feeling my authentic self. It’s liberating. It’s inspiring.

I’m also reminded I have work to do, but I’m not embarrassed by it. I am accepting of it. I am accepting of me.