Our lives can be very misunderstood by others. What is YOUR mindset? What does YOUR heart feel? Walk your path at your own pace.
Live Before You Improve
The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. We hear that all the time. That statement implies something may (or may not be) better. But what if it’s not about being better? What if a decision, a choice, is made to reflect one’s truth? In essence, the intention to live authentically is the driver rather than the expectation of the outcome.
You Are Enough
Go with your natural flow. Fill yourself up with love. Flood yourself with compassion.
Face and Move
Sure, we must face our fears. But what may be even more necessary for living an authentic, blissful life, is facing what we do not feel we deserve. If you don't feel you are enough, if you do not believe you are worthy of your dream life, you stagnate.
Passion For What You Do
Are you doing what you love?
You Are An Artist
Connect with your creative spirit
S2E6 : How About Avoidance?
If you are avoiding anything, you are limiting the authentic expression of your truth.
Honor Each Other
The pace we may observe need not be the focus. But rather, patience with each other. What can we do to nurture and accept the journey of each other? How can we be compassionate and loving? Move away from your judging beliefs and lean into the beauty of connection.
Journey of Love
This is personal for me. I’ve struggled mightily this year with misinformation, conspiracies, and alternative facts. I am not a politician, a scientist, or an expert in way shape or form. I am a human being trying to live empathetically, compassionately, and lovingly. And guess what, I still fail at it. Until I can consistently and wholeheartedly live a life of love, everything else seems secondary to me. You can be right and I’ll be wrong. You can believe the world is out to get you while I try to be a gentler human being. You can seek out and promote darkness (as if we need reminding) while I try to shine my light. You can be curious about wrongdoing while I try to learn how to do love. I’m not perfect. I’m not better than. I’m not an elite. I’m not spiritually superior. I am a human being on a journey of love...
Talk About Love
Afraid? Talk about love. Got a problem? Talk about love. Going through a tough patch? Talk about love. Unsure of your next step? Talk about love. Having a disagreement? Talk about love. Trying to heal? Talk about love. Want change? Talk about love.
This Moment
Where is your attention? Are you re-living? Are you forecasting? Are you repeating? Are you hypothesizing?
Will you be in this moment? Fully? Allow and welcome what is. And love. Love to learn.
Not Authenticity
That moment when you doubt your worth. Question what you deserve. Settle for less. Abandon your dreams. Allow judgements from others to influence you. Believe on any level or in any way that you cannot or should not be exactly who you feel to be....Recognize you are choosing mediocrity and NOT authenticity.
Be You Now
At some point, you need to be you. Like, go all in on being you. Go after that dream. Make choices for you. Lean into your passions. Don’t just stand in your truth, but also stand for your truth. When the chorus of voices outside of you are loud, tune in to that sweet voice within yourself. There is no perfect time. There is only now. Be YOU now.
To feel free is to release the self-imposed restraints of what others may think or say about your truth. Your truth is yours to accept and nurture. Hiding your truth in the dark drains energy which could be used for self-healing, self-forgiveness, self-love, and self-expression. Your truth is worthy of the light.
Pull Back The Curtains
Even the closest, most trusted people in our lives have opinions about how we “should” see the world. If you are forever looking at the opinions of others, you are missing your unique opportunity to see life with your own eyes. To feel life with your heart. To experience life with your soul. To move through live in your own, authentic way. Mishaps and missteps. Milestones and miracles. Pull the curtains back!
Giving of yourself to prove yourself. Compromising yourself to keep the peace. Settling because of fear, guilt, shame. Hiding your truth to not be rejected. Telling others you’re fine when you’re not. Creating a narrative about life being about surviving not thriving, scarcity not abundance, sacrifice not self-love.
Courageously and lovingly tap into your authenticity and allow yourself to be exactly who you are.
Dance In Your Truth
That moment. Self-accepting. Self-loving. Forgiving. Mind, body, heart, and soul alignment.
Your authentic self may be cloaked in vulnerability, now. But upon its reveal, light will shine. You are the light.
Explore Your Expression
Fear of the unknown is not valid for not moving forward. It’s rooted in the imagined. The made up. Though fear is real and is also a very common, human experience. Be afraid, but please stop abandoning yourself.