Be Instead of Prove

Think about your energy. Think about your time. Think about YOUR LIFE. How do you want/need to be expressing yourself? How often do you allow someone else to influence how you create and live your life? 

Your reference point for your authenticity is within YOU. Your successes and failures contribute to the path you are blazing. Burn the bridges of conformity and judgment with every step you take. 

Stop proving yourself. Love yourself. Trust yourself. Nurture yourself. BE YOURSELF!

all words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: Nick Fewings

all words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: Nick Fewings

Heal From Within

We hurt. We endure painful experiences. We mourn. We resent. We express anger. We cry. We lament. We self-doubt. We feel exploited. We fear. 

Through all of those experiences, we can also heal. It may look and feel unattainable, but healing is the mindful, heartfelt, and soulful experience we can choose. That journey will be unique to YOU. 

Healing is an inner experience...and ever available to you. .


words on image: Michael Barata / image PhotoMIX Ltd

See Life

When you open your eyes, are you grateful? Do you give thanks for the opportunity to see what you see? Do you make it a point to see everything for what it is and everyone for who they are? 

We can be so easily distracted by our "busy" lives. We can become numb to the familiarity of our surroundings. We can give the past our attention and ignore the present. We can blind ourselves with expectations and miss the moment. 

But when you choose to see. When you choose to be grateful for what you see. Life comes alive.