Daily Moment of Awareness [10.8.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

I am discovering what it means to feel all the feelings. Today, was non-stop with emotions. They took me all over the place. I found myself thinking not, “Why am I feeling this?” but instead, “What can I learn from this?”

This is big time progress for me. Rather than racing, full steam into the emotion, I felt it, named it, and asked what the lesson may be? I became more accepting of my choices in life - good, bad, happy, sad, doesn't matter. They are mine and mine to learn from.

I felt like I truly honored my whole being today.

Be Instead of Prove

Think about your energy. Think about your time. Think about YOUR LIFE. How do you want/need to be expressing yourself? How often do you allow someone else to influence how you create and live your life? 

Your reference point for your authenticity is within YOU. Your successes and failures contribute to the path you are blazing. Burn the bridges of conformity and judgment with every step you take. 

Stop proving yourself. Love yourself. Trust yourself. Nurture yourself. BE YOURSELF!

all words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: Nick Fewings

all words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: Nick Fewings


So busy. So distracted. So tired. So frustrated. So doubtful. 

How can you see? How can you be? What should you see? Who should you be? 

Where have you been? .

all words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: Jon Tyson

all words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: Jon Tyson

Do You Know Your Why?

At some point, you need to be honest with yourself. Like really get to the root of what drives you to think and act as you do. No game here. Just you and your truth. 

Are your judgments making you angry? Is your compassion filling you with love? Is fear closing you off from others? Is empathy opening yourself up to all of humanity? 

Hate can be a language. Love can be a language.

What are you thinking, feeling, speaking? Why? Be honest.....with yourself.

A Cup Of Self Awareness

Everybody is being so ignorant. Everybody is yelling at each other. Everybody is missing the point.

Really? Everybody? 

Your "everybody" may simply be your narrow access point to humanity. A few co-workers or a neighbor or two or a couple of your friends and family or, of course, those people popping up on your social media. But really? Everybody?

You do realize that you are included in someone else's "everybody."  

So, try seeing yourself as everybody. Do you hate you? Do you resent you? Are you ignorant to you? Are you yelling at yourself? Are you missing the point? How you think of and treat others is a reflection of your relationship with yourself. What you "expect" or "desire" from "everybody" cannot be realized unless you are truly being all of it. 

I offer this cup of coffee to help start an honest conversation with yourself and with others.