Your Choices Reveal Who You Really Are

Every choice we make tells a story—not just about what we want, but about who we truly are. From the way we spend our time to the way we treat others, our decisions reflect our values, priorities, and even our fears.

Think about it: Do your choices align with your beliefs, or do they cater to expectations? Do they reflect courage or comfort? Passion or obligation? Authenticity isn’t about grand gestures; it’s in the small, everyday decisions that shape our lives.

Choosing authenticity isn’t always easy. It often means saying no when it would be easier to say yes, standing alone when it would be easier to follow, and risking discomfort for the sake of truth. But the more we choose in alignment with who we truly are, the more fulfilled and connected we become.

So, ask yourself—do your choices reflect the real you? If not, what would it take to start choosing differently?

Daily Moment of Awareness [10.7.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

We wish people happiness all the time. But happiness, success, and yes, love, cannot exist without truth.

For people to genuinely experience happiness or success or love, they need to be living a truthful life. I don’t mean in the sense of being a Saint and never telling a white lie, but rather, living your truth. Being authentically who you were born to be.

Let that sink in.

If you are hiding your essence, whatever you experience will feel incomplete. Why? Because you will be denying yourself the ultimate experience in this life…being YOU.

Experience Your Why

Should you do it? Should you say it?

What will it take to convince you to live your truth? Certainty? Security? No judgment? Acceptance from others?

image: Pixabay

image: Pixabay

Seeking hypothetical comforts or exploring infinite contingencies does not lead to action. You can “What if..” yourself until the end of time or you can take a step and experience what happens. See, living authentically is not about what happens, it’s about how you live your why in each moment you get.