No. We are not obligated to sacrifice, surrender, discount, dismiss, or put our well-being on hold for any reason.
The Authentic Adventure
We set out on so many adventures, but the one of being our truth is lifelong.
Your Invitation
What are you attracting?
Up And Out
You may not want to be noticed, but authenticity, courage, and truth often draw attention. And that’s a good thing.
Limiting Labels
What we know is from the past. What we experience is now. When we are forever labeling, we are not experiencing.
Love Your Story
Sometimes we feel need courage to say, to act, to be. I’d ask if you feel the love to say, to act, to be?
Work And Celebrate
Turn the page. Start fresh. Set intentions. Resolve. Learn. Heal. Grow. Love.
Feel It
Rather than searching for an explanation for the experience, why not sit down, breathe, and just feel it?
Sometimes the jump is the next step. Sometimes the jump can reveal the possibilities. Sometimes the jump can inspire courage. Sometimes the jump is absolutely necessary!
Allowing Truth
We overwhelm ourselves with choices and the incessant need to make decision. However, truth resides within each of us. There to be accepted. Loved. Nurtured. Expressed. If we allow it…
There is no need to escape to solitude. Bliss is felt when you freely flow into and allow solitude. When we are still and silent, clarity arrives. Be patient.
Building You
Are you nurturing yourself? Too often we get caught up in what everyone else is up to and forget to gift ourself what we need to heal, to grow, to love.
Your Light
Trust your own light.
True Story
Stop shoulding on yourself and then using it as an excuse to not believe in yourself and end up lamenting what might have been…
The Search
If you’re searching for the secret sauce, this is it.
Live Intentionally
Our lives can be very misunderstood by others. What is YOUR mindset? What does YOUR heart feel? Walk your path at your own pace.
Live Intentionally
Go deeper than an unhealthy habit or a new hobby. Connect with your truth and chart that trajectory. Stop hiding what you really want. The life you deserve is not a bargain or a compromise. You don’t settle for life. You surrender to your inner calling and lean into every adventure.
Talk About Love
Afraid? Talk about love. Got a problem? Talk about love. Going through a tough patch? Talk about love. Unsure of your next step? Talk about love. Having a disagreement? Talk about love. Trying to heal? Talk about love. Want change? Talk about love.
You Are Pure
We all get distracted from recognizing the purity, the beauty, and the splendidness of our true self in the moment. And yet, it remains. What causes us to be so distracted and more so, label oneself something one is not? Simply stated, our minds. Our experiences from the past. Our expectations about the future. Our looping of what ifs. The bombardment of cultural and societal shoulds. All of this feeds our minds to construct myths which distract us from what is. Strip away the outside landscape, silence the outside noise, let go of the past and the future. What is left? A beautiful, pure soul lovingly basking in the present moment.
Dance In Your Truth
That moment. Self-accepting. Self-loving. Forgiving. Mind, body, heart, and soul alignment.