Vulnerability allows you to feel your truth, deeply. It gives you the energy to move in truth.
Grounded In Well-Being
No. We are not obligated to sacrifice, surrender, discount, dismiss, or put our well-being on hold for any reason.
Explore Your Magic
Go there. See that. Allow it. Be there. Love yourself.
Be Mighty
This is not about pretending or denying what you feel, but rather not attaching to it.
Authenticity Is Not Perfect
We are not perfect. We are perfectly imperfect. Whichever you subscribe to or don’t, please consider this: your authenticity is about truth and expression not perfection.
Speak Your Boundary
We forget. We hide. We downplay. We minimize. How powerful a boundary our truth can be for us in any moment. Of course, we may feel vulnerable, but the message is necessary. Our truth is worthy. Our boundary needs to be heard!
Release & Allow
“Let go!” feels more like a bumpersticker than a way of life. The thing is, it’s a powerful practice. We tend to focus on letting go of negatives or what hurts us, but it goes for everything. Even the good. Frees up space for what is. What we actually need.
Sovereignty of self
Work And Celebrate
Turn the page. Start fresh. Set intentions. Resolve. Learn. Heal. Grow. Love.
You In The New Year
As we approach the new year, perhaps we can pause and hold space for ourselves. To reflect on how we think, speak, and act towards ourselves and each other.
Why doubt? Why play down? Why minimize? Why undervalue?
Your life deserves and needs your belief in yourself. Your truth deserves and needs your acceptance.
What you choose to hide from or lament or avoid can hinder your healing, your growth, your ability to make decisions. Be sure you also look at the benefits, the possibilities, the magic.
We often take cues from others when they are actually judgments from others. We often listen to comfort instead lean into uncertainty. We forget ourselves when we only remember the past.
Courage and Grace
We feel the need to pep-talk ourselves into living our truth. And yet, our truth is like our breath. It’s right there. To connect with. To witness. To love. Be courageous in self-love and self-acceptance. Be graceful as you learn and expand.
We often force our beliefs and desires into the present moment. As a result, we miss the beauty of the moment, the potential in the moment, the newness of the moment.
Pain Is Not The Main Part
Pain is part of it. It’s not all of it. It’s not the main part of it. It’s how we bring awareness and action to it that influences [if] how we can move through it, learn from it, and heal.
Moving From Striving to Thriving
Is It Really Self Doubt?
Often times, we think we have doubts about our decision making or needs/wants or dreams or abilities or direction we are feeling pulled to explore. Could be. May also be what we think we need to hear or experience from others along the journey.
Circumstances And Choices
We often feel stuck or trapped by our current circumstances. So much so, we don’t see options or opportunities. Sometimes, nothing feels like a preference or ideal. However, making choices creates movement, creates new circumstances, creates change.
Hiding Is Denying
Your truth may scare you. It also may be judged by others. Your truth can also open you up to abundance. It can attract people into your life who support and celebrate you. Your truth is worthy of the light.