Embarking on a journey towards self-discovery can be both exhilarating and daunting, but it’s a path worth taking for anyone seeking personal growth. As we delve into the realms of passion and motivation, we learn that embracing passion can indeed consume fear, leading to a state of fearlessness. By overcoming fear, we unlock doors to our true potential and find clarity and direction in our lives.
Your Heart
Forever trying to figure it out. Thinking. Re-thinking. Over thinking. Judging. And then there is feeling. Accepting. Loving.
Ride With Vulnerability
Vulnerability allows you to feel your truth, deeply. It gives you the energy to move in truth.
Love Through Fear
Being afraid does not make you less than or weak. It’s part of life. How you respond to it is on you. What is so beautiful to know is that love can be part of the journey even when you are fearful.
Allow your curiosity to move you through what you fear…
We often take cues from others when they are actually judgments from others. We often listen to comfort instead lean into uncertainty. We forget ourselves when we only remember the past.
We often force our beliefs and desires into the present moment. As a result, we miss the beauty of the moment, the potential in the moment, the newness of the moment.
Pain Is Not The Main Part
Pain is part of it. It’s not all of it. It’s not the main part of it. It’s how we bring awareness and action to it that influences [if] how we can move through it, learn from it, and heal.
Missed Opportunity
Spending energy judging someone else takes the focus off what you can be doing for yourself in the moment.
Write Your Own Message
Forever looking for a sign. Seeing a sign and still not making change or taking action. Always reading and reasoning without doing and learning. It’s time!
Hiding Is Denying
Your truth may scare you. It also may be judged by others. Your truth can also open you up to abundance. It can attract people into your life who support and celebrate you. Your truth is worthy of the light.
Move In Love
Your hesitation, your reluctance, your catastrophising are grounded in fear. That keeps you stuck. Loving with an open heart creates movement. Healing, Growth.
Differences And Learning
You can build walls of fear to hold out what you don’t understand or agree with. Or your can open the window to your soul, the door to you heart and listen, let in, and learn.
To and With
We’ve mastered talking about and posting about others. Could you imagine speaking with and interacting with people we don’t understand?
We typically don’t understand others for only one reason - our experiences are different.
That’s right. We each experience life differently. Those experiences will then inform and mold our beliefs. Those beliefs then become safety, security, and comfort to which we cling. Let that land.
When you take issue with someone else, it is not the other person who is causing you to feel tension or negativity or hostility but rather, you are actually struggling to navigate why their beliefs are not yours. That’s simple. Their beliefs are not yours because their experiences are not yours.
Once again, allow that to land.
When we fight and argue about which beliefs are right, we are literally dismissing the experiences that have informed those beliefs. In essence we are dismissing the person’s entire existence.
This is why I feel less conversations about each other and more conversations with each other can benefit all of us. Conversations are the gateway to understanding and acceptance. We can disagree and still accept each other. But that will never happen if we first don’t give each other an opportunity to learn and understand each other.
Much love,
Allowing Truth
We overwhelm ourselves with choices and the incessant need to make decision. However, truth resides within each of us. There to be accepted. Loved. Nurtured. Expressed. If we allow it…
Lean Into Your Life
The pursuit of your dreams can yield so much even if you don’t quite get there. You can learn lessons along the away. You can meet new people. You can discover more about yourself.
True Story
Stop shoulding on yourself and then using it as an excuse to not believe in yourself and end up lamenting what might have been…
We are fallible. We do make mistakes. We screw up. We fail. We trip. We fall. And guess what? All of that makes us human. Accepting imperfection and learning from it is how we grow, heal, and love.
Your Ego & Your Heart
Survival mode. Protecting yourself. Setting boundaries. Avoiding risk. Being safe. Choosing security. Each is grounded in what you already know. But what about what you don’t know? Allow your curiosity to explore. Try new things. Ask questions. Be a learner. Lead with an open heart.
Live Intentionally
Our lives can be very misunderstood by others. What is YOUR mindset? What does YOUR heart feel? Walk your path at your own pace.