Blaming and embracing the medium is wasted energy. We are talking about people.
Love Everywhere
Why hold your love back? Let your love flow toward everyone. Let your love flow in all directions so that it can reach as many people and spaces as possible.
Presenting Change
Making change. Experiencing change. Sustaining change.
You In The New Year
As we approach the new year, perhaps we can pause and hold space for ourselves. To reflect on how we think, speak, and act towards ourselves and each other.
To and With
We’ve mastered talking about and posting about others. Could you imagine speaking with and interacting with people we don’t understand?
We typically don’t understand others for only one reason - our experiences are different.
That’s right. We each experience life differently. Those experiences will then inform and mold our beliefs. Those beliefs then become safety, security, and comfort to which we cling. Let that land.
When you take issue with someone else, it is not the other person who is causing you to feel tension or negativity or hostility but rather, you are actually struggling to navigate why their beliefs are not yours. That’s simple. Their beliefs are not yours because their experiences are not yours.
Once again, allow that to land.
When we fight and argue about which beliefs are right, we are literally dismissing the experiences that have informed those beliefs. In essence we are dismissing the person’s entire existence.
This is why I feel less conversations about each other and more conversations with each other can benefit all of us. Conversations are the gateway to understanding and acceptance. We can disagree and still accept each other. But that will never happen if we first don’t give each other an opportunity to learn and understand each other.
Much love,
Rise Up In 2022
Let’s take it higher in 2022!
Endless Cups of Love
We can flood and float together.
Lean in with love
Our beliefs come from our experiences. Therefore, the grand discussion is really not about which belief is more noble, but instead, how influential was the experience? Furthermore, having a different past experience could have established a different current belief. Even more than that, opening yourself up to new experiences can affect and even create new beliefs. And in all of this, no matter the experience or the belief, we can ground ourselves in accepting and honoring that we are One.
Only Love
Not fear. Not judgment. Not anger. Not conspiracy. Not hate. Not indifference. Not resentment. Not pessimism. Not revenge. Not doubt. Not prejudice. Not racism. Not conditions. Not comfort. Not separation.
Enough is enough. We’ve tried all those other things. They don’t work. The only thing that connects us is LOVE. Love without thinking.
Love Is Simple
We have found different ways and words to justify the judgment of others. Social media and cancel culture. Anonymous attacks to expose. All done for the greater good. Shaming, in any context, does not teach or heal. We have become so removed from love energy that it is no longer our primary expression with each other. We reserve it as we create conditions. We deny it to determine if it’s deserved. We preach oneness and practice separation. We ask for positivity and share negativity. Love is simple, but we’ve made loving difficult.
We all have authentic needs. We all have authentic gifts to offer. We’re all here, right now. Let’s be here with and for each other.
One Mirror
We see each other.
A Cup Of Self Awareness
Everybody is being so ignorant. Everybody is yelling at each other. Everybody is missing the point.
Really? Everybody?
Your "everybody" may simply be your narrow access point to humanity. A few co-workers or a neighbor or two or a couple of your friends and family or, of course, those people popping up on your social media. But really? Everybody?
You do realize that you are included in someone else's "everybody."
So, try seeing yourself as everybody. Do you hate you? Do you resent you? Are you ignorant to you? Are you yelling at yourself? Are you missing the point? How you think of and treat others is a reflection of your relationship with yourself. What you "expect" or "desire" from "everybody" cannot be realized unless you are truly being all of it.
I offer this cup of coffee to help start an honest conversation with yourself and with others.