Sure, we must face our fears. But what may be even more necessary for living an authentic, blissful life, is facing what we do not feel we deserve. If you don't feel you are enough, if you do not believe you are worthy of your dream life, you stagnate.
Not Now
My first attempt at writing and reading poetry.
S2E8 : How About Resisting?
How we think about our lives influences how we feel about our lives. How we talk about our lives to others and to ourselves affects our mood, our outlook, and our sense of self-worth. The beautiful thing is, we can control how we think and talk about our lives!
S2E7 : How About Curiosity?
Have you wondered if your conditioning of the past is overriding your curiosity in the present? I sure have. Let's explore together.
Are You Moving?
Are you shoulding on yourself? Have you given more power to what other people think than what you feel? Do you not make choices because you fear consequences?
Pull Back The Curtains
Even the closest, most trusted people in our lives have opinions about how we “should” see the world. If you are forever looking at the opinions of others, you are missing your unique opportunity to see life with your own eyes. To feel life with your heart. To experience life with your soul. To move through live in your own, authentic way. Mishaps and missteps. Milestones and miracles. Pull the curtains back!
Our beliefs come from our experiences. Therefore, the grand discussion is really not about which belief is more noble, but instead, how influential was the experience? Furthermore, having a different past experience could have established a different current belief. Even more than that, opening yourself up to new experiences can affect and even create new beliefs. And in all of this, no matter the experience or the belief, we can ground ourselves in accepting and honoring that we are One.
Burn It Off
Consider it to be a realization. A rebirth. A revealing. Of your truth. Of your love. That fire is not for devouring you and causing you suffering, though pain is part of it. That fire (a decision, a conversation, an action of some kind) is there to purify you and help you release all that has been weighing you down and holding you back.
Finger pointing. Blaming. Judgment. Resentment. All of these shift your focus and energy away from yourself. Give yourself time, space, and attention to go within, to bring light, and to love yourself.
Truth Is In The Present
The traditions of living can create a false sense of what is, for you. When you adopt a tradition, you walk a path already walked. Of course, there is joy to be experienced through tradition. But it’s a feeling of familiarity, of comfort, of security. The joy is not discovered or created.
Truth is ever available in each moment. When you let go of the past and unlearn your conditioning, truth is revealed. Your truth is rather than was. Lack of awareness welcomes tradition. Mindfulness is a relationship with truth.
words on image: Michael Barata / image: Samuel Silitoga