Do you find yourself in survival mode? Or are you making decisions and being intentional with your life?
Begin With Your Breath
Life is life. No matter what is happening, remember your breath.
The Weight Of The Past
It’s really not about forcing out or denying thoughts of the past. It’s not about pretending things didn’t happen. It’d about the real work, the graceful work of putting the past in its place.
Your Heart
Forever trying to figure it out. Thinking. Re-thinking. Over thinking. Judging. And then there is feeling. Accepting. Loving.
Boundaries & Self-love
Forgetting or losing yourself in relationship does not foster connection. It fuels resentment and regret.
A Moment In Gratitude
Your awareness + Your gratitude
I'll Be Me
Let them judge you. Set boundaries. Walk away. Stay true to YOU!
Explore Your Magic
Go there. See that. Allow it. Be there. Love yourself.
Later Is Helpful Now
What are you putting off? What are you denying? What are you holding back? What makes you believe you can do it later?
The whole idea of letting it all go can feel as scary as flying. And yet, flying can feel as freeing as letting it all go.
Your Light
We can show up for each other in so many ways. Sometimes our light can help someone see what they need to see when they need to see it.
Release & Allow
“Let go!” feels more like a bumpersticker than a way of life. The thing is, it’s a powerful practice. We tend to focus on letting go of negatives or what hurts us, but it goes for everything. Even the good. Frees up space for what is. What we actually need.
What Do You See?
When you look within, what do you see?
The Big Mo
Bring action to every area of your life. Your breath is the ultimate movement.
Limiting Labels
What we know is from the past. What we experience is now. When we are forever labeling, we are not experiencing.
Allowing Truth
We overwhelm ourselves with choices and the incessant need to make decision. However, truth resides within each of us. There to be accepted. Loved. Nurtured. Expressed. If we allow it…
Check Yourself
Be honest with yourself. Be honest with others.
Your Light
Trust your own light.
The Search
If you’re searching for the secret sauce, this is it.
See without pressing your knowledge into the moment. Feel without wanting.