
Something we forget to do or never even think to do is forgive ourselves. That self experience can be so powerful, so healing. It provides space within ourselves to forgive others, be grateful for who and what are in our lives, and love deeper.

Speak Peacefully

What you say. How you say it. The words you choose. The volume of your voice. It all contributes to the energy you decide to create when you speak. This is not about buffering yourself or being inauthentic. It’s an opportunity to align your voice with love.


This Moment

Being present is not a trend. It’s a way of living. It’s not the norm because we are taught and encouraged to chase the next. To seek the prize. As if there is any greater prize than having a life to live. Consider nurturing a mindset of being present. Giving all you’ve got to each moment. Rather than thinking about what has happened or what may happen, be completely with what is happening. To have a moment to live...that.


Hard Truth

How you speak to yourself and treat yourself makes all the difference in the world. We want to thrive and grow. We have hurt that needs healing. We have dreams we yearn to pursue. In all of it, being honest and meeting ourselves where we are at deserves our tenderness, our compassion, our patience. Though the truth may be hard, how we move into and through it can be graceful.


Radical Love

Love energy is the most divine and transformative energy. It is within all of us. It connects all of us. Love is how we accept, release, heal, teach, learn, and evolve. Radical love is about no longer settling. No longer compromising. No longer hiding behind contentment while your inner fire burns. Radical love is next level living.


Where Did I Go?

A re-introduction to me…

This is a re-introduction of myself. This is vulnerable introspection. This is a new beginning. Join me.