We often force our beliefs and desires into the present moment. As a result, we miss the beauty of the moment, the potential in the moment, the newness of the moment.
See without pressing your knowledge into the moment. Feel without wanting.
This Moment
Where is your attention? Are you re-living? Are you forecasting? Are you repeating? Are you hypothesizing?
Will you be in this moment? Fully? Allow and welcome what is. And love. Love to learn.
You Are Pure
We all get distracted from recognizing the purity, the beauty, and the splendidness of our true self in the moment. And yet, it remains. What causes us to be so distracted and more so, label oneself something one is not? Simply stated, our minds. Our experiences from the past. Our expectations about the future. Our looping of what ifs. The bombardment of cultural and societal shoulds. All of this feeds our minds to construct myths which distract us from what is. Strip away the outside landscape, silence the outside noise, let go of the past and the future. What is left? A beautiful, pure soul lovingly basking in the present moment.