Do you find yourself in survival mode? Or are you making decisions and being intentional with your life?
Uncertainty can also be opportunity in waiting….for YOU.
Those Reminders
No doubt, struggles can feel not so good. But they can also serve as lighthouses for where we need to be looking.
The Weight Of The Past
It’s really not about forcing out or denying thoughts of the past. It’s not about pretending things didn’t happen. It’d about the real work, the graceful work of putting the past in its place.
So Many Reasons
Your heart and soul will thank you.
Ride With Vulnerability
Vulnerability allows you to feel your truth, deeply. It gives you the energy to move in truth.
Allow your curiosity to move you through what you fear…
Explore Your Magic
Go there. See that. Allow it. Be there. Love yourself.
Bring awareness to your routines. Are they serving you? Or have they become a box to check off?
The whole idea of letting it all go can feel as scary as flying. And yet, flying can feel as freeing as letting it all go.
Giving And Not Giving
From time to time, checking in with ourselves is how we can understand where we are looking and where we are not.
The Gifts
Without judgment…
Love Your Shadow
There comes a time when you just surrender to loving all of yourself, completely.
Work And Celebrate
Turn the page. Start fresh. Set intentions. Resolve. Learn. Heal. Grow. Love.
What you choose to hide from or lament or avoid can hinder your healing, your growth, your ability to make decisions. Be sure you also look at the benefits, the possibilities, the magic.
What are you clinging to? What are you holding on to? What are you attached to? What are grasping at?
We often take cues from others when they are actually judgments from others. We often listen to comfort instead lean into uncertainty. We forget ourselves when we only remember the past.
Moving From Striving to Thriving
Journeyal - Your Pathway to Awareness and Action
JOURNEYAL: Your Pathway to Awareness and Action
This journal was thoughtfully created to be the perfect support tool for counselors, therapists, and life coaches, and their clients. It is meant to be used in partnership with one's counseling sessions for the user to record their own journey, healing, and progress. The pages are purposely concise, designed with just the right amount of free space to explore sessions and benefit the journeyer.
Reflection Journal 120 Pages 7.25" x 10.25"
Circumstances And Choices
We often feel stuck or trapped by our current circumstances. So much so, we don’t see options or opportunities. Sometimes, nothing feels like a preference or ideal. However, making choices creates movement, creates new circumstances, creates change.