Go there. See that. Allow it. Be there. Love yourself.
Courage and Grace
We feel the need to pep-talk ourselves into living our truth. And yet, our truth is like our breath. It’s right there. To connect with. To witness. To love. Be courageous in self-love and self-acceptance. Be graceful as you learn and expand.
We often force our beliefs and desires into the present moment. As a result, we miss the beauty of the moment, the potential in the moment, the newness of the moment.
Pain Is Not The Main Part
Pain is part of it. It’s not all of it. It’s not the main part of it. It’s how we bring awareness and action to it that influences [if] how we can move through it, learn from it, and heal.
Something we forget to do or never even think to do is forgive ourselves. That self experience can be so powerful, so healing. It provides space within ourselves to forgive others, be grateful for who and what are in our lives, and love deeper.
Moving From Striving to Thriving
Open To Understand
The commitment we make to comforting what we know and who we are builds walls. When we accept what we know and who we are while allowing for new experiences to flow into our lives, we then open ourselves up to learning and understanding.
Identity Theft
Your truth. Your authenticity. Your acceptance and courage to be exactly who you are will set you free!
Move In Love
Your hesitation, your reluctance, your catastrophising are grounded in fear. That keeps you stuck. Loving with an open heart creates movement. Healing, Growth.
The Unknown
It’s all an unknown until you experience it. What are you leaning into? What are you denying?
Keep On Keeping On
Why relive an experience when you can create a brand new one?
Forgive Yourself
Forgive yourself. Sincerely gift yourself your own forgiveness. This is powerful and freeing. It also softens your heart so that you may love yourself too.
Live Intentionally
Go deeper than an unhealthy habit or a new hobby. Connect with your truth and chart that trajectory. Stop hiding what you really want. The life you deserve is not a bargain or a compromise. You don’t settle for life. You surrender to your inner calling and lean into every adventure.
Declutter 2021
Make space for the good stuff!
Honor Each Other
The pace we may observe need not be the focus. But rather, patience with each other. What can we do to nurture and accept the journey of each other? How can we be compassionate and loving? Move away from your judging beliefs and lean into the beauty of connection.
Speak Peacefully
What you say. How you say it. The words you choose. The volume of your voice. It all contributes to the energy you decide to create when you speak. This is not about buffering yourself or being inauthentic. It’s an opportunity to align your voice with love.
Holding Space
We can’t hold space for each other when we are talking at the same time, forcing our beliefs, judging, hating, lying, hurting, or outright ignoring each other. Holding space is listening, accepting, empathizing, learning, and openness. Holding space is love.
Not Authenticity
That moment when you doubt your worth. Question what you deserve. Settle for less. Abandon your dreams. Allow judgements from others to influence you. Believe on any level or in any way that you cannot or should not be exactly who you feel to be....Recognize you are choosing mediocrity and NOT authenticity.
In Love
Fear keeps you small. Comfort keeps you stagnant. Doubt keeps you stuck. Love lifts you up. Love moves you. Love nurtures. Love transcends.
The more we consciously believe and act like there is an enemy, we will not experience peace. When we are against ourselves and each other, we choose separation instead of love. Empathy is how we recognize and relate to each other on this journey, together.