Allow your curiosity to move you through what you fear…
No Blueprint
Life has got to be lived! Feel it out. Learn. Learn some more. Keep living. Keep learning.
The Discovery
Open yourself up to learning. About yourself. About others. About life. Your curiosity can help keep you moving.
We often force our beliefs and desires into the present moment. As a result, we miss the beauty of the moment, the potential in the moment, the newness of the moment.
Follow Your Heart
Go where you curiosity takes you. Explore everything your heart desires.
Keep On Keeping On
Why relive an experience when you can create a brand new one?
Step Into the Uncertainty
We can be ninjas at talking ourselves out of anything. Fear is a healthy reminder that change is around the bend. Summon the courage you know you have and go….
Your experiences hold you back only if you allow them.
You can use your experiences to discover, to learn, to grow. So, why not explore, wander, evolve, ascend, accept, release?
I Am Strong
[I Am mini-series #2]
Have you forgotten about your strength? Your ability to overcome? To persevere? To move through the fear? To heal?
Your strength has helped you countless times. This power resides within you, for you, whenever you need it.
Honor your strength with gratitude
all words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: NordWood Themes