What are you putting off? What are you denying? What are you holding back? What makes you believe you can do it later?
New Month. New Mindset.
Every moment is an opportunity. You can make choices for your healing, your growth, your success, your fun, your well-being. You do not need to judge what others are doing or think about what others will say. Your authenticity’s reference point is YOU.
Are You Here?
What are you putting off? What you are holding back? What are you pausing? What are you denying?
This Moment
Being present is not a trend. It’s a way of living. It’s not the norm because we are taught and encouraged to chase the next. To seek the prize. As if there is any greater prize than having a life to live. Consider nurturing a mindset of being present. Giving all you’ve got to each moment. Rather than thinking about what has happened or what may happen, be completely with what is happening. To have a moment to live...that.