This is not about pretending or denying what you feel, but rather not attaching to it.
The moments you are gifted are for your authentic expression. We tend to compare ourselves or try to respond to every criticism we hear. But, if you use that energy to create from our heart and soul….just imagine…
Fill Up
You get to choose. Yes you do. Who you allow in and who you to be with. What experiences you want and which you do not. Of course, you can learn and make new choices too.
Authenticity Is Not Perfect
We are not perfect. We are perfectly imperfect. Whichever you subscribe to or don’t, please consider this: your authenticity is about truth and expression not perfection.
Make The Universe Bigger
Loving yourself adds to your life, to those around you, to the world, to the great beyond…
The Authentic Adventure
We set out on so many adventures, but the one of being our truth is lifelong.
Your Invitation
What are you attracting?
Make That Decision
You can’t control what is outside of you.
Sovereignty of self
Up And Out
You may not want to be noticed, but authenticity, courage, and truth often draw attention. And that’s a good thing.
Life Is Not Linear
Perhaps the curves and the waves and the ups and downs and the ins and outs ARE life in motion? Being able to authentically adapt, graciously learn, and gracefully grow makes all more of a dance.
Create. Don't Compare.
How others have done it or are doing it is their path - not yours. Trying to figure out how someone else did it or is doing it is an energy drain.
We often take cues from others when they are actually judgments from others. We often listen to comfort instead lean into uncertainty. We forget ourselves when we only remember the past.
New Month. New Mindset.
Every moment is an opportunity. You can make choices for your healing, your growth, your success, your fun, your well-being. You do not need to judge what others are doing or think about what others will say. Your authenticity’s reference point is YOU.
Follow Your Heart
Go where you curiosity takes you. Explore everything your heart desires.
Identity Theft
Your truth. Your authenticity. Your acceptance and courage to be exactly who you are will set you free!
Your Light
Trust your own light.
The Search
If you’re searching for the secret sauce, this is it.
Courageously and lovingly tap into your authenticity and allow yourself to be exactly who you are.
Burn It Off
Consider it to be a realization. A rebirth. A revealing. Of your truth. Of your love. That fire is not for devouring you and causing you suffering, though pain is part of it. That fire (a decision, a conversation, an action of some kind) is there to purify you and help you release all that has been weighing you down and holding you back.