Allow this beautiful energy to bond us!
The whole idea of letting it all go can feel as scary as flying. And yet, flying can feel as freeing as letting it all go.
The Not So Soft Hammer
Your delivery may be lighthearted. Your words may be in jest. But…
Your Cup
What fills your cup?
Fill Up
You get to choose. Yes you do. Who you allow in and who you to be with. What experiences you want and which you do not. Of course, you can learn and make new choices too.
Make The Universe Bigger
Loving yourself adds to your life, to those around you, to the world, to the great beyond…
Love Your Shadow
There comes a time when you just surrender to loving all of yourself, completely.
We are here to connect.
You don’t no need to overthink it. Give from your heart.
Why doubt? Why play down? Why minimize? Why undervalue?
Your life deserves and needs your belief in yourself. Your truth deserves and needs your acceptance.
What you choose to hide from or lament or avoid can hinder your healing, your growth, your ability to make decisions. Be sure you also look at the benefits, the possibilities, the magic.
Space For Wholeness
That junk drawer is overflowing. That closet is jam-packed. That backpack can just about be zipped.
For all that you desire, you need to make room for it.
Pain Is Not The Main Part
Pain is part of it. It’s not all of it. It’s not the main part of it. It’s how we bring awareness and action to it that influences [if] how we can move through it, learn from it, and heal.
Your Life Is Not A Math Problem
We go all in with trying to make sense of it all. To find the logic. And yet, when we are asked to talk about how we feel…we struggle to express ourselves. Though our emotions may not be facts to apply to the world, they can help us understand who we are and why we act as we do or don’t.
Something we forget to do or never even think to do is forgive ourselves. That self experience can be so powerful, so healing. It provides space within ourselves to forgive others, be grateful for who and what are in our lives, and love deeper.
Is It Really Self Doubt?
Often times, we think we have doubts about our decision making or needs/wants or dreams or abilities or direction we are feeling pulled to explore. Could be. May also be what we think we need to hear or experience from others along the journey.
The Dance
Trying to equal everything out can be exhausting. The truth is, there will be times when you get knocked over, or feel off, or you even find yourself in a sweet groove. How you choose to respond, nit matter the circumstances is the dance.
Feel It
Rather than searching for an explanation for the experience, why not sit down, breathe, and just feel it?
Missed Opportunity
Spending energy judging someone else takes the focus off what you can be doing for yourself in the moment.
Write Your Own Message
Forever looking for a sign. Seeing a sign and still not making change or taking action. Always reading and reasoning without doing and learning. It’s time!