Daily Moment of Awareness [10.15.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

“Why didn’t that person respond as I had hoped?” or “Why didn’t that situation unfold as I had hoped?

Have you ever asked those questions? I do. In fact, I did this morning.

These questions place our attention on the outside of ourselves. Even when our intentions are pure and our preparation is solid, people and situations are ultimately out of our “control.” Sure we can affect both by what we bring to each, but that’s where it stops. We cannot control responses.

However, we can choose how we respond to a person’s response and or the unfolding of a situation. Ask yourself how you feel and why? Ask yourself what you could learn. And then, you can choose to ground yourself in the reality of the present moment.

Daily Moment of Awareness [10.14.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

Maybe it’s not work. Maybe it’s not grueling. Maybe it’s not exhausting.

Maybe….it’s necessary.

When you consider making change in your life, do you cast a negative shadow on the experience? Like, before you even take a step? Think about how you characterize what you need to do or what you are trying to achieve. The more you paint it in a negative light, the more mental blocks you create to get in the way. As if you needed any more excuses.

When you reflect on areas of your life that you believe to be unhealthy or in need of a healthy dose of change, it is helpful to think and speak about the change in a grounding and benefiting way. Ask for the effort and energy needed to move forward. Allow lessons along the way. Be patient with yourself. Say, “Thank you.” for the opportunity.

You affect the process of change by your attitude about change. See it as necessary and welcome it as part of your growth.

Daily Moment of Awareness [10.10.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

Today was a day filled with gifts.

It began with breathing in a beautiful morning and deepening my awareness in meditation. Then a 9+ mile run through a blissful autumn scene. Followed by a calming, restorative float session. And culminating with reiki and a full body massage.

My mind was clear. My heart was open. My soul was shining. My body was rejuvenated. My whole being was filled with gratitude.

It is good for your spirit to love and care for yourself.

Daily Moment of Awareness [10.9.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

It is something special when you are seen and heard. I felt that way this morning. A friend of mine shared some very kind words with me about how I affect a particular aspect of his life. See, we both play music together and he expressed how my drumming is opening him up to new ways of how he plays bass.

Why this is so special is because I’ve been playing drums for almost 25 years and I’ve been in a couple different bands. Each has been a unique experience and each has helped me grow as a musician. However, during my short stint with this current band, I’ve let go of my fear of feeling inadequate. It’s freed me to explore and to have fun.

I’ve mindfully been expressing my creative side and it has shown in my playing, my feeling, and in gratitude from others. It is really special to be seen and herd for who you really are.

Daily Moment of Awareness [10.8.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

I am discovering what it means to feel all the feelings. Today, was non-stop with emotions. They took me all over the place. I found myself thinking not, “Why am I feeling this?” but instead, “What can I learn from this?”

This is big time progress for me. Rather than racing, full steam into the emotion, I felt it, named it, and asked what the lesson may be? I became more accepting of my choices in life - good, bad, happy, sad, doesn't matter. They are mine and mine to learn from.

I felt like I truly honored my whole being today.

Daily Moment of Awareness [10.4.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

My day began with my meditative practice, which presented so many lessons about accepting who I am and giving from a place of truth rather than obligation. This was followed by a 14 mile run, which inspired intense feelings of bliss. Between the autumn scene and the endorphin release, I sincerely felt like I was floating. I then hopped in my car for a road trip to hang with family this weekend.

The whole ride out, my attention was pulled to the clouds, the sky, and the sun setting. My goodness, it was gorgeous! Once again, I was reminded how beautiful LIFE is. Yes, life. Not my life, but LIFE. The gift that is LIFE.

Awareness is the gateway to appreciation.

I Am Strong

[I Am mini-series #2]

Have you forgotten about your strength? Your ability to overcome? To persevere? To move through the fear? To heal? 

Your strength has helped you countless times. This power resides within you, for you, whenever you need it. 

Honor your strength with gratitude

all words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: NordWood Themes

all words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: NordWood Themes

I Am Authentic

[I Am mini-series #1]

The chorus sings loud and clear, “Create your most authentic life!” I totally agree with nurturing people to be their true self. I also acknowledge the individuality and the unique journey of authenticity.

But first, you need to become aware of your authenticness - simply because you are you. There is nothing to create. You ARE authentic. No need to discover it, but instead, honor it. Ground yourself in the truth of your authenticity. The free flowing bliss of it. The challenging vulnerability of it. All of it.


all words by Michael Barata / image: NordWood Themes

all words by Michael Barata / image: NordWood Themes

You're Magical

Stop forgetting. Please. We all do. For so many reasons. 

Our magic disappears under layers of guilt, after years of conditioning. Our magic is intimidated by our fears and harshly judged by others. 

But guess what? You’re the magician who can make your magic re-appear. You can use your magic to overcome and rise above it all. Because you can make your magic do whatever you want. 

You’re pure magic. Let that sink in. 

words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: Garidy Sanders

words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: Garidy Sanders