Are you gifting yourself time, space, and attention?
Courageously and lovingly tap into your authenticity and allow yourself to be exactly who you are.
Dance In Your Truth
That moment. Self-accepting. Self-loving. Forgiving. Mind, body, heart, and soul alignment.
Your authentic self may be cloaked in vulnerability, now. But upon its reveal, light will shine. You are the light.
Go within. Sit with yourself. Ask yourself questions. Feel your feelings. Write out your thoughts. Don’t compare yourself to others. Make peace with yourself. Forgive yourself. Allow healing. Accept your truth. Express your essence. Give yourself love.
Explore Your Expression
Fear of the unknown is not valid for not moving forward. It’s rooted in the imagined. The made up. Though fear is real and is also a very common, human experience. Be afraid, but please stop abandoning yourself.
Burn It Off
Consider it to be a realization. A rebirth. A revealing. Of your truth. Of your love. That fire is not for devouring you and causing you suffering, though pain is part of it. That fire (a decision, a conversation, an action of some kind) is there to purify you and help you release all that has been weighing you down and holding you back.
Acceptance Is...Is Not
Create Your Next Step
The Next Chapter
One day back in 2006, I was sitting at my desk at work and something just felt off. The whole work-life balance buzz was popping up here and there, and honestly, I didn't even know what that meant. So, I googled it. There were many results. But one jumped out at me. It was an article in Business Week entitled, "Smashing The Clock."
I read it and IT CHANGED MY LIFE! The article was about Best Buy's implementation of the Results-Only Work Environment. What stood out to me was how this approach to work (and life) was grounded in trust. Of course, a mind shift journey of this magnitude can be disruptive, liberating, and transformative. Well, I got it. I felt it. I connected to it and I wanted it!
I began reading and commenting on the ROWE blog - a lot! I had the book, "Why Work Sucks and How To Fix It" mailed to me (it was autographed too!!!!). At the same time, I was requesting a ROWE-like experience where I was employed. It didn't happen. Fast-forward to three years later and I was hired by the co-founders/co-creators of ROWE, Cali Ressler & Jody Thompson, to be a ROWE facilitator as part of a N.I.H. research project studying workplace culture and health. The study lasted for two years. MY LIFE CHANGED AGAIN!!!!
After the study ended, so many things happened with regard to my career path. Over the next seven years, I never lost sight of ROWE and how it changed my like and how I believed it can change the lives of others. I began teaching college psychology with a ROWE mindset. I worked as a return specialist with a ROWE mindset. I was a beertender with a ROWE mindset. In 2017, I was hired as General Manager to manage a craft beer garden, a fitness center, a cafe, and a restaurant (slated to open in 2019). And yes, I still have a ROWE mindset.
That's me with Jody enjoying a layover!
And then....I received some social media messages from Jody Thompson about a possible BIG opportunity. We scheduled a call and I listened. And just like back in 2009, I said, "YES!!!!!" I'm on board as a Master Trainer for CulureRx shifting mindsets and facilitating adaptive change in Canada. Yes. ROWE in Canada!
I'm still a General Manager too. So, the next few months are sure to be fun. I hope you enjoy reading about my journey....