Awareness in the present moment is how you flow with the moment.
Time & Progress
“In due time.” “Time heals.” “You’ve got to give it time.” Each of those sayings imply time is the action. It is not. Time is an unreliable factor, because no one is certain of how much time we have beyond the moment we are experiencing. Therefore, progress does not occur as the result of time passing, but rather it is related to your level of awareness and the conscious actions you choose to make - or not make.
Resentment is how we consciously hold on to toxic, painful feelings. Forgiveness is how we consciously face our hurt and lovingly release it.
Trying Instead of Being
Searching. Analyzing. Second guessing. Reading. Talking. Listening.
Close your eyes. Breathe naturally.
A Love Story
Love is…
We all bury, repress, suppress, hide, and deny our truth at some point. Sometimes for a lifetime. The energy expensed to do all that can be so exhausting. However, the sting of revealing our truth is often followed by the soothing balm of healing.
Are you gifting yourself time, space, and attention?
Courageously and lovingly tap into your authenticity and allow yourself to be exactly who you are.
Dance In Your Truth
That moment. Self-accepting. Self-loving. Forgiving. Mind, body, heart, and soul alignment.
Your authentic self may be cloaked in vulnerability, now. But upon its reveal, light will shine. You are the light.
Go within. Sit with yourself. Ask yourself questions. Feel your feelings. Write out your thoughts. Don’t compare yourself to others. Make peace with yourself. Forgive yourself. Allow healing. Accept your truth. Express your essence. Give yourself love.
Explore Your Expression
Fear of the unknown is not valid for not moving forward. It’s rooted in the imagined. The made up. Though fear is real and is also a very common, human experience. Be afraid, but please stop abandoning yourself.
Burn It Off
Consider it to be a realization. A rebirth. A revealing. Of your truth. Of your love. That fire is not for devouring you and causing you suffering, though pain is part of it. That fire (a decision, a conversation, an action of some kind) is there to purify you and help you release all that has been weighing you down and holding you back.
Go All In
Your truth is glowing within you. Your energy is vibrating with possibilities. Your life is worth your awareness and love. It’s not a bet. It’s a commitment.
Begin Within
Life’s most honest journey of love begins within. Your inner foundation is what you stand on as you express your authentic self.
Finger pointing. Blaming. Judgment. Resentment. All of these shift your focus and energy away from yourself. Give yourself time, space, and attention to go within, to bring light, and to love yourself.
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Explore with your mind and heart and soul.
To each other. For each other.
One Mirror
We see each other.
Your experiences hold you back only if you allow them.
You can use your experiences to discover, to learn, to grow. So, why not explore, wander, evolve, ascend, accept, release?