We can show up for each other in so many ways. Sometimes our light can help someone see what they need to see when they need to see it.
Hiding Is Denying
Your truth may scare you. It also may be judged by others. Your truth can also open you up to abundance. It can attract people into your life who support and celebrate you. Your truth is worthy of the light.
S2E2 : How About A Cupcake And A Hugfest?
The choice to love resides in each of us - in every moment.
Holding Space
We can’t hold space for each other when we are talking at the same time, forcing our beliefs, judging, hating, lying, hurting, or outright ignoring each other. Holding space is listening, accepting, empathizing, learning, and openness. Holding space is love.
Love Light
What is truly causing you discomfort about your situation? What is holding you back from speaking up or acting? It’s not uncommon to feel not enough or to make unbalanced comparisons or to resent or to be jealous. That pattern of thought and feeling is low-frequency. It’s negative and you know it. You know it by how you feel as you go down that rabbit hole. However, in those moments, you can switch on the highest of frequencies - LOVE. You can bring light to how you are feeling. You can be compassionate with yourself and nurture your well-being. There are endless things you can do from looking in the mirror and telling yourself, “I love you.” to meditation to taking a walk to calling that friend who always makes you laugh to dancing in your space to diving into your work or a hobby. Shine your love light on your insecurities.
To feel free is to release the self-imposed restraints of what others may think or say about your truth. Your truth is yours to accept and nurture. Hiding your truth in the dark drains energy which could be used for self-healing, self-forgiveness, self-love, and self-expression. Your truth is worthy of the light.