The Power of Letting Go of the Need for Validation

We often find ourselves trapped in a cycle of seeking validation, feeling the pressure to meet expectations that aren't our own.

Embracing Your Authentic Self

Embracing your authentic self is a transformative journey that involves shedding external expectations and cultivating self-acceptance. This process allows you to live more genuinely and find true fulfillment. Let's explore two crucial aspects of this journey: letting go of external approval and finding strength in vulnerability.

Letting Go of External Approval

Releasing the need for constant validation from others is a crucial step in embracing your authentic self. This process involves recognizing that your worth isn't determined by others' opinions and learning to trust your own judgment.

Tiny Buddha offers valuable insights on how to let go of the need for approval and start thriving. One key strategy is to practice self-validation. This means acknowledging your own feelings, thoughts, and experiences as valid, without seeking external confirmation.

Another important aspect is setting healthy boundaries. By clearly defining what you will and won't accept from others, you protect your authentic self and reduce dependency on external approval.

Lastly, focus on your personal growth and values rather than trying to meet others' expectations. This shift in perspective can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Finding Strength in Vulnerability

Vulnerability, often seen as a weakness, can be a powerful tool for personal growth and authentic living. By embracing vulnerability, we open ourselves to deeper connections and self-understanding.

A thoughtful exploration of this concept on Medium highlights how vulnerability can lead to inner peace and self-acceptance. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we create space for genuine self-expression and growth.

Practicing vulnerability might involve sharing your true feelings, admitting mistakes, or asking for help when needed. These actions, while sometimes uncomfortable, can lead to stronger relationships and a more authentic sense of self.

Remember, vulnerability is not about oversharing or being weak. It's about having the courage to be your true self, imperfections and all. This authenticity can inspire others and create meaningful connections.

To further support your journey of self-discovery and validation, consider exploring Insight Timer's meditation course on letting go of external validation. Additionally, this LinkedIn article offers valuable perspectives on embracing your worth beyond external validation.

Courage and Grace

We feel the need to pep-talk ourselves into living our truth. And yet, our truth is like our breath. It’s right there. To connect with. To witness. To love. Be courageous in self-love and self-acceptance. Be graceful as you learn and expand.

Be You Now

At some point, you need to be you. Like, go all in on being you. Go after that dream. Make choices for you. Lean into your passions. Don’t just stand in your truth, but also stand for your truth. When the chorus of voices outside of you are loud, tune in to that sweet voice within yourself. There is no perfect time. There is only now. Be YOU now.


Love Light

What is truly causing you discomfort about your situation? What is holding you back from speaking up or acting? It’s not uncommon to feel not enough or to make unbalanced comparisons or to resent or to be jealous. That pattern of thought and feeling is low-frequency. It’s negative and you know it. You know it by how you feel as you go down that rabbit hole. However, in those moments, you can switch on the highest of frequencies - LOVE. You can bring light to how you are feeling. You can be compassionate with yourself and nurture your well-being. There are endless things you can do from looking in the mirror and telling yourself, “I love you.” to meditation to taking a walk to calling that friend who always makes you laugh to dancing in your space to diving into your work or a hobby. Shine your love light on your insecurities. 



To feel free is to release the self-imposed restraints of what others may think or say about your truth. Your truth is yours to accept and nurture. Hiding your truth in the dark drains energy which could be used for self-healing, self-forgiveness, self-love, and self-expression. Your truth is worthy of the light.


When Fear Knocks

What if you looked at your fears as opportunities? What if your opportunities are your fears in disguise?

Before you jump to the scariness associated with fears, try thinking about them differently. Imagine opportunity whispering to you through your fears. An opportunity is not without unknowns and yet, it feels different because there is a perceived benefit. A fear feels debilitating because the perceived experience is seen as discomfort, pain, or failure.

Pursuing an opportunity reveals more about it. Moving though fear reveals more about YOU.

all words: Michael Barata / image: Ricardo Retez

all words: Michael Barata / image: Ricardo Retez