Have you ever considered if YOU are your warden?
Be Mighty
This is not about pretending or denying what you feel, but rather not attaching to it.
Make That Decision
You can’t control what is outside of you.
Sovereignty of self
Forgive Yourself
Forgive yourself. Sincerely gift yourself your own forgiveness. This is powerful and freeing. It also softens your heart so that you may love yourself too.
Step Into the Uncertainty
We can be ninjas at talking ourselves out of anything. Fear is a healthy reminder that change is around the bend. Summon the courage you know you have and go….
To feel free is to release the self-imposed restraints of what others may think or say about your truth. Your truth is yours to accept and nurture. Hiding your truth in the dark drains energy which could be used for self-healing, self-forgiveness, self-love, and self-expression. Your truth is worthy of the light.