Wishing you good health and that all your dreams come true.
Write Your Own Message
Forever looking for a sign. Seeing a sign and still not making change or taking action. Always reading and reasoning without doing and learning. It’s time!
It's Not Yours
It’s time to unpack.
Love Light
What is truly causing you discomfort about your situation? What is holding you back from speaking up or acting? It’s not uncommon to feel not enough or to make unbalanced comparisons or to resent or to be jealous. That pattern of thought and feeling is low-frequency. It’s negative and you know it. You know it by how you feel as you go down that rabbit hole. However, in those moments, you can switch on the highest of frequencies - LOVE. You can bring light to how you are feeling. You can be compassionate with yourself and nurture your well-being. There are endless things you can do from looking in the mirror and telling yourself, “I love you.” to meditation to taking a walk to calling that friend who always makes you laugh to dancing in your space to diving into your work or a hobby. Shine your love light on your insecurities.
Patience With Pain
This may seem counterintuitive. When we hurt, we just want it to end. This is not a suggestion for simplicity or easiness. Pain is a natural experience of life just as love is. Sit with it, but no need to be stuck in it. Lean into it, learn from it, and then leave it. Allow yourself to feel it. Allow yourself to mourn. Allow yourself to heal. Pain becomes what you make it. It can become an excruciating lesson or it can become debilitating suffering. The choice is always yours.
Don’t ask yourself, “How long will this pain last?” but instead, gently ask yourself, “What do I need in this moment to heal?”
The Lounge Podcast - Ep.3 How Are You?
Episode 3 is here!!!