Your life is a miracle. Sit with that.
A Moment In Gratitude
Your awareness + Your gratitude
Express Gratitude
It may sound cliche and even annoying, but there is something, someone, or an experience you can be grateful for in this moment.
You Are Wonderful
In all of the ups and downs of this experience, can you bring awareness and gratitude to the happening that is YOU?
Total Solar Eclipse
Allow this beautiful energy to bond us!
You Are The Dream
Let’s not forget or be distracted or deny the magic that is YOU in this moment.
Grateful For Abundance
Stop doubting the goodness that is flowing your way.
What you choose to hide from or lament or avoid can hinder your healing, your growth, your ability to make decisions. Be sure you also look at the benefits, the possibilities, the magic.
Something we forget to do or never even think to do is forgive ourselves. That self experience can be so powerful, so healing. It provides space within ourselves to forgive others, be grateful for who and what are in our lives, and love deeper.
Allow. Release.
Be open to receive. Be grateful to let go.
30 Day Stay Home Gratitude Retreat
We all know November is about Gratitude! What if this November you can have your own private stay-at-home retreat? Well my friends you can!
Thanks to the beautiful heart and my BFF, Joe Longo, the amazing retreat is here for YOU!
~ 5 Monday night zoom sessions from 8 PM -9 PM EST with Joe Longo and a special guest sharing their stories to inspire us to connect to our gratitude and live our best life. Exact schedule of guest zoom’s will be released within the next couple of days.
~ Private Facebook group with Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts.
~ Facebook live meditation every Wednesday morning at 7:30 AM
Loss As A Doorway
Seeing loss as a doorway shifts the perspective. A doorway is an entry point, not the destination. A doorway invites movement. A doorway is a boundary. Seeing loss as a doorway can also bring awareness to attachment. This commitment to self awakens emotions, inspires deep introspection, and creates space for acceptance. Movement.
Thrive From Vulnerability
Your life is there for you to create and live. Fall in love with the experience of your own breath. Allow your soul to be. Allow your heart to love and to receive love. Be grateful for what you have and be open to all you are worthy to receive...
It's Always New
The new year brings a level of awareness for those of you who were not so aware during the previous year. You share resolutions. You pledge changes. You proclaim a rebirth is at hand.
That newness is available in every moment you get to experience. Every moment is brand new. No moment has ever been before.
This means, you experience a new year in every moment!
What are you going to do with this moment?
Daily Moment of Awareness [10.12.2019]
Moments of awareness shared with you
I’ve spent a great deal of my life trying to play the “expected or acceptable role.” Though I can blame how I thought others wanted to see me, I ultimately chose how to express myself. This resulted in me being unsure of the life I wanted or how to deal with the life I had.
This conflicted feeling had been present in the mundane every day living as well as in the deeper experiences.
What I’m discovering is as I let go of my own made up stories of “what they want from me” and instead ground myself in “this is who I am,” I feel peace. I feel gratitude. Like, where have I been my entire life?!?!
I also recognize living my truth needs conscious decision making from me. Yes, my life deserves my time, space, and attention.
Daily Moment of Awareness [10.10.2019]
Moments of awareness shared with you
Today was a day filled with gifts.
It began with breathing in a beautiful morning and deepening my awareness in meditation. Then a 9+ mile run through a blissful autumn scene. Followed by a calming, restorative float session. And culminating with reiki and a full body massage.
My mind was clear. My heart was open. My soul was shining. My body was rejuvenated. My whole being was filled with gratitude.
It is good for your spirit to love and care for yourself.
Daily Moment of Awareness [10.9.2019]
Moments of awareness shared with you
It is something special when you are seen and heard. I felt that way this morning. A friend of mine shared some very kind words with me about how I affect a particular aspect of his life. See, we both play music together and he expressed how my drumming is opening him up to new ways of how he plays bass.
Why this is so special is because I’ve been playing drums for almost 25 years and I’ve been in a couple different bands. Each has been a unique experience and each has helped me grow as a musician. However, during my short stint with this current band, I’ve let go of my fear of feeling inadequate. It’s freed me to explore and to have fun.
I’ve mindfully been expressing my creative side and it has shown in my playing, my feeling, and in gratitude from others. It is really special to be seen and herd for who you really are.
Daily Moment of Awareness [10.4.2019]
Moments of awareness shared with you
My day began with my meditative practice, which presented so many lessons about accepting who I am and giving from a place of truth rather than obligation. This was followed by a 14 mile run, which inspired intense feelings of bliss. Between the autumn scene and the endorphin release, I sincerely felt like I was floating. I then hopped in my car for a road trip to hang with family this weekend.
The whole ride out, my attention was pulled to the clouds, the sky, and the sun setting. My goodness, it was gorgeous! Once again, I was reminded how beautiful LIFE is. Yes, life. Not my life, but LIFE. The gift that is LIFE.
Awareness is the gateway to appreciation.
Daily Moment of Awareness [10.3.2019]
Moments of awareness shared with you
We are often told, “There is always something to be grateful for.” Some of you may agree and some of you may struggle with that. However, no matter where you stand, it’s up to you to explore it.
Dismissing it because of your current circumstances does not make it untrue. Passively agreeing does not evoke the awareness. Expressing gratitude is an act which requires your time, space, and attention. You need to call to your consciousness the people and/or things for which you are grateful. This can be your breath, a recent purchase, a sweet lunch with a loved one, an accomplishment, or having enjoyed a sunny day.
Gratitude is not about happiness. It’s about active recognition and appreciation. I realized that today. Though I felt drained this afternoon, I was still able to bring my attention to people and things for which I am very grateful.
Fear Is Not A Validation
People hear what you say. People see what you do. But people do not experience your life experiences as you do.
Furthermore, we often dial down or even hide our truth. The deep, core experience dancing in our souls and warming our hearts. For as real as it feels to us, we still try to make sense of it. We question it and doubt it. There are so many reasons why we do this and it all points back to fear.
How much do you reveal in your moment to moment?
We tell people what we think they will accept. We show people what we think they will accept. We surrender to fear. We tell ourselves we have difficult choices to make, but what that really mean is we have tradeoffs to make. The tradeoff is our authenticity for someone else's acceptance. Why? Because we allow fear to be a validation for how we choose to live.
Fear is NOT a validation.
words on image: Michael Barata / image: Jez Timms