When you look within, what do you see?
The Gifts
Without judgment…
Be Love
If you allow your natural state to be, you’ll see. It’s love.
Be Mindful Of Your Energy
What we want and what we don’t want.
New YOU Energy
New month. New reflections.
Make The Universe Bigger
Loving yourself adds to your life, to those around you, to the world, to the great beyond…
Love Your Shadow
There comes a time when you just surrender to loving all of yourself, completely.
The Authentic Adventure
We set out on so many adventures, but the one of being our truth is lifelong.
Your Invitation
What are you attracting?
Make That Decision
You can’t control what is outside of you.
We are here to connect.
Sovereignty of self
You don’t no need to overthink it. Give from your heart.
Thinking love. Choosing love. Speaking love. Expressing love. Being love. Allowing love. Accepting love.
The Big Mo
Bring action to every area of your life. Your breath is the ultimate movement.
Up And Out
You may not want to be noticed, but authenticity, courage, and truth often draw attention. And that’s a good thing.
Do You Value Your Time?
Are you being wasteful with moments?
Your Grace Is Appreciated
Being patient with yourself as you learn, as you heal, as you love, as you live can bring deeper peace to your life.
Love Everywhere
Why hold your love back? Let your love flow toward everyone. Let your love flow in all directions so that it can reach as many people and spaces as possible.
Love Your Story
Sometimes we feel need courage to say, to act, to be. I’d ask if you feel the love to say, to act, to be?