You can build walls of fear to hold out what you don’t understand or agree with. Or your can open the window to your soul, the door to you heart and listen, let in, and learn.
The Unknown
It’s all an unknown until you experience it. What are you leaning into? What are you denying?
Keep On Keeping On
Why relive an experience when you can create a brand new one?
To and With
We’ve mastered talking about and posting about others. Could you imagine speaking with and interacting with people we don’t understand?
We typically don’t understand others for only one reason - our experiences are different.
That’s right. We each experience life differently. Those experiences will then inform and mold our beliefs. Those beliefs then become safety, security, and comfort to which we cling. Let that land.
When you take issue with someone else, it is not the other person who is causing you to feel tension or negativity or hostility but rather, you are actually struggling to navigate why their beliefs are not yours. That’s simple. Their beliefs are not yours because their experiences are not yours.
Once again, allow that to land.
When we fight and argue about which beliefs are right, we are literally dismissing the experiences that have informed those beliefs. In essence we are dismissing the person’s entire existence.
This is why I feel less conversations about each other and more conversations with each other can benefit all of us. Conversations are the gateway to understanding and acceptance. We can disagree and still accept each other. But that will never happen if we first don’t give each other an opportunity to learn and understand each other.
Much love,
Allow. Release.
Be open to receive. Be grateful to let go.
Gift yourself time, space, and attention to recognize and celebrate yourself for what you have done and for what you have. For who you were and for who you are and for who you are becoming.
Your Energy
How are you using your energy? Where are you directing your energy?
Allowing Truth
We overwhelm ourselves with choices and the incessant need to make decision. However, truth resides within each of us. There to be accepted. Loved. Nurtured. Expressed. If we allow it…
There is no need to escape to solitude. Bliss is felt when you freely flow into and allow solitude. When we are still and silent, clarity arrives. Be patient.
What Are You Saying?
How we speak about ourselves and to ourselves sets the tone for how we feel about our life. Of course, times can get challenging, but those are the moments when we need to be our most patient, most loving, most graceful with ourselves.
Building You
Are you nurturing yourself? Too often we get caught up in what everyone else is up to and forget to gift ourself what we need to heal, to grow, to love.
Lean Into Your Life
The pursuit of your dreams can yield so much even if you don’t quite get there. You can learn lessons along the away. You can meet new people. You can discover more about yourself.
Check Yourself
Be honest with yourself. Be honest with others.
Rise Up In 2022
Let’s take it higher in 2022!
Your Light
Trust your own light.
What Do You Feel?
Not, what do you think you “should” feel?
Showing Up For You
You are worthy to be there for yourself every step of the way.
Endless Cups of Love
We can flood and float together.
True Story
Stop shoulding on yourself and then using it as an excuse to not believe in yourself and end up lamenting what might have been…