Being patient with yourself as you learn, as you heal, as you love, as you live can bring deeper peace to your life.
Love Everywhere
Why hold your love back? Let your love flow toward everyone. Let your love flow in all directions so that it can reach as many people and spaces as possible.
Limiting Labels
What we know is from the past. What we experience is now. When we are forever labeling, we are not experiencing.
Love Your Story
Sometimes we feel need courage to say, to act, to be. I’d ask if you feel the love to say, to act, to be?
Life Is Not Linear
Perhaps the curves and the waves and the ups and downs and the ins and outs ARE life in motion? Being able to authentically adapt, graciously learn, and gracefully grow makes all more of a dance.
Believe In Your Love
How much time and energy are you giving to hate? Where is it getting you?
Simply Stop Comparing
Gently place your focus inward. Be soft with you are and who you are becoming.
Life Is Precious
No matter what level of negativity you choose to bring to this experience, life remains precious.
Grow From Failure
You can assess your mistakes however you choose. But if you choose to look at them as courageous, as willing to try, as a lesson in waiting, you may also begin to feel differently about them. Of course, we also make mistakes out of haste, ignorance, and negativity….but there is something to gain there too.
While you have breath, you have potential.
No Blueprint
Life has got to be lived! Feel it out. Learn. Learn some more. Keep living. Keep learning.
Presenting Change
Making change. Experiencing change. Sustaining change.
Create. Don't Compare.
How others have done it or are doing it is their path - not yours. Trying to figure out how someone else did it or is doing it is an energy drain.
The Discovery
Open yourself up to learning. About yourself. About others. About life. Your curiosity can help keep you moving.
Work And Celebrate
Turn the page. Start fresh. Set intentions. Resolve. Learn. Heal. Grow. Love.
On Self-Love
Self-love can mean different things to different people. To some, it is setting boundaries to stay away from negative people, setting time aside for yourself, or simply taking time to put yourself first and do what is best for your mental and physical health. No matter what, self-love is key to our overall happiness and wellbeing.
The most important thing to remember about self-love is that you have to focus on the positive aspects. It’s easy to get wrapped up in negative self-talk and focus on what you believe are your flaws. But instead of focusing on what you don’t like about yourself, it’s important to foster a positive attitude and instead look at your best qualities and focus on how you can improve them.
One of the best ways to practice self-love is to take some time to practice self-care.
You In The New Year
As we approach the new year, perhaps we can pause and hold space for ourselves. To reflect on how we think, speak, and act towards ourselves and each other.
Why doubt? Why play down? Why minimize? Why undervalue?
Your life deserves and needs your belief in yourself. Your truth deserves and needs your acceptance.
What you choose to hide from or lament or avoid can hinder your healing, your growth, your ability to make decisions. Be sure you also look at the benefits, the possibilities, the magic.
Space For Wholeness
That junk drawer is overflowing. That closet is jam-packed. That backpack can just about be zipped.
For all that you desire, you need to make room for it.