The willingness to lean into the unknown and learn. To understand….
So Many Reasons
Your heart and soul will thank you.
Celebrating Women's Equality Day
A Moment In Gratitude
Your awareness + Your gratitude
We do it all.
Ride With Vulnerability
Vulnerability allows you to feel your truth, deeply. It gives you the energy to move in truth.
Love Now
Why carry the past with you? Why point backwards? Why hold a grudge? LOVE NOW!
Love Through Fear
Being afraid does not make you less than or weak. It’s part of life. How you respond to it is on you. What is so beautiful to know is that love can be part of the journey even when you are fearful.
I'll Be Me
Let them judge you. Set boundaries. Walk away. Stay true to YOU!
On Acceptance
Your response (emotionally and through action) is what is in your control. How can you adapt? How can you learn? How can you move forward?
We Are It
Blaming and embracing the medium is wasted energy. We are talking about people.
A Daily Reminder
Be there for you…
Allow your curiosity to move you through what you fear…
Forgive Yourself
My goodness, cut yourself some slack.
Can we?
Of all the things we try to do and think about doing, can we please love more?
Grounded In Well-Being
No. We are not obligated to sacrifice, surrender, discount, dismiss, or put our well-being on hold for any reason.
Locked Up
Have you ever considered if YOU are your warden?
Be Your Own Reference
We often discount or flat out dismiss our own wisdom, creativity, and ability to guide ourselves out of and through.
Explore Your Magic
Go there. See that. Allow it. Be there. Love yourself.
Later Is Helpful Now
What are you putting off? What are you denying? What are you holding back? What makes you believe you can do it later?