Journeyal - Your Pathway to Awareness and Action

JOURNEYAL: Your Pathway to Awareness and Action

This journal was thoughtfully created to be the perfect support tool for counselors, therapists, and life coaches, and their clients. It is meant to be used in partnership with one's counseling sessions for the user to record their own journey, healing, and progress. The pages are purposely concise, designed with just the right amount of free space to explore sessions and benefit the journeyer.

Reflection Journal 120 Pages 7.25" x 10.25"

Circumstances And Choices

We often feel stuck or trapped by our current circumstances. So much so, we don’t see options or opportunities. Sometimes, nothing feels like a preference or ideal. However, making choices creates movement, creates new circumstances, creates change.

Open To Understand

The commitment we make to comforting what we know and who we are builds walls. When we accept what we know and who we are while allowing for new experiences to flow into our lives, we then open ourselves up to learning and understanding.

To and With

We’ve mastered talking about and posting about others. Could you imagine speaking with and interacting with people we don’t understand?

We typically don’t understand others for only one reason - our experiences are different.

That’s right. We each experience life differently. Those experiences will then inform and mold our beliefs. Those beliefs then become safety, security, and comfort to which we cling. Let that land.

When you take issue with someone else, it is not the other person who is causing you to feel tension or negativity or hostility but rather, you are actually struggling to navigate why their beliefs are not yours. That’s simple. Their beliefs are not yours because their experiences are not yours.

Once again, allow that to land.

When we fight and argue about which beliefs are right, we are literally dismissing the experiences that have informed those beliefs. In essence we are dismissing the person’s entire existence.

This is why I feel less conversations about each other and more conversations with each other can benefit all of us. Conversations are the gateway to understanding and acceptance. We can disagree and still accept each other. But that will never happen if we first don’t give each other an opportunity to learn and understand each other.

Much love,