Have you ever considered if YOU are your warden?
Be Your Own Reference
We often discount or flat out dismiss our own wisdom, creativity, and ability to guide ourselves out of and through.
Explore Your Magic
Go there. See that. Allow it. Be there. Love yourself.
Later Is Helpful Now
What are you putting off? What are you denying? What are you holding back? What makes you believe you can do it later?
Express Gratitude
It may sound cliche and even annoying, but there is something, someone, or an experience you can be grateful for in this moment.
You Are Wonderful
In all of the ups and downs of this experience, can you bring awareness and gratitude to the happening that is YOU?
Total Solar Eclipse
Allow this beautiful energy to bond us!
Bring awareness to your routines. Are they serving you? Or have they become a box to check off?
Capable. Wiling?
What are you capable of doing? What are you willing to do?
The whole idea of letting it all go can feel as scary as flying. And yet, flying can feel as freeing as letting it all go.
Giving And Not Giving
From time to time, checking in with ourselves is how we can understand where we are looking and where we are not.
Your Light
We can show up for each other in so many ways. Sometimes our light can help someone see what they need to see when they need to see it.
You Are The Dream
Let’s not forget or be distracted or deny the magic that is YOU in this moment.
The Not So Soft Hammer
Your delivery may be lighthearted. Your words may be in jest. But…
Be Mighty
This is not about pretending or denying what you feel, but rather not attaching to it.
The moments you are gifted are for your authentic expression. We tend to compare ourselves or try to respond to every criticism we hear. But, if you use that energy to create from our heart and soul….just imagine…
Your Cup
What fills your cup?
Fill Up
You get to choose. Yes you do. Who you allow in and who you to be with. What experiences you want and which you do not. Of course, you can learn and make new choices too.
Authenticity Is Not Perfect
We are not perfect. We are perfectly imperfect. Whichever you subscribe to or don’t, please consider this: your authenticity is about truth and expression not perfection.
Happy 2024!
Wishing you good health and that all your dreams come true.