
What a beautiful moment in time to consider stepping back from the debate. To release the need to persuade. To give ourselves to oneness. To listen. To connect with our love energy. To be there with and for each other. To let go of our greedy desire to be right. To simply, lovingly, glowingly, and


Speak Peacefully

What you say. How you say it. The words you choose. The volume of your voice. It all contributes to the energy you decide to create when you speak. This is not about buffering yourself or being inauthentic. It’s an opportunity to align your voice with love.


Holding Space

We can’t hold space for each other when we are talking at the same time, forcing our beliefs, judging, hating, lying, hurting, or outright ignoring each other. Holding space is listening, accepting, empathizing, learning, and openness. Holding space is love.


Journey of Love

This is personal for me. I’ve struggled mightily this year with misinformation, conspiracies, and alternative facts. I am not a politician, a scientist, or an expert in way shape or form. I am a human being trying to live empathetically, compassionately, and lovingly. And guess what, I still fail at it. Until I can consistently and wholeheartedly live a life of love, everything else seems secondary to me. You can be right and I’ll be wrong. You can believe the world is out to get you while I try to be a gentler human being. You can seek out and promote darkness (as if we need reminding) while I try to shine my light. You can be curious about wrongdoing while I try to learn how to do love. I’m not perfect. I’m not better than. I’m not an elite. I’m not spiritually superior. I am a human being on a journey of love...


Talk About Love

Afraid? Talk about love. Got a problem? Talk about love. Going through a tough patch? Talk about love. Unsure of your next step? Talk about love. Having a disagreement? Talk about love. Trying to heal? Talk about love. Want change? Talk about love.


Not Authenticity

That moment when you doubt your worth. Question what you deserve. Settle for less. Abandon your dreams. Allow judgements from others to influence you. Believe on any level or in any way that you cannot or should not be exactly who you feel to be....Recognize you are choosing mediocrity and NOT authenticity.


Truth or Comfort

Is it about pleasing your desires? Validating your expectations? Confirming your biases? Comforting your beliefs? Clinging to primitive ways?


Is it about being curious about the unfamiliar? Exploring something different? Reconceptualizing your worldview? Discovering new perspectives. Unlearning conditioned behaviors and thought patterns? Learning anew in the present moment?


Be You Now

At some point, you need to be you. Like, go all in on being you. Go after that dream. Make choices for you. Lean into your passions. Don’t just stand in your truth, but also stand for your truth. When the chorus of voices outside of you are loud, tune in to that sweet voice within yourself. There is no perfect time. There is only now. Be YOU now.


Love Light

What is truly causing you discomfort about your situation? What is holding you back from speaking up or acting? It’s not uncommon to feel not enough or to make unbalanced comparisons or to resent or to be jealous. That pattern of thought and feeling is low-frequency. It’s negative and you know it. You know it by how you feel as you go down that rabbit hole. However, in those moments, you can switch on the highest of frequencies - LOVE. You can bring light to how you are feeling. You can be compassionate with yourself and nurture your well-being. There are endless things you can do from looking in the mirror and telling yourself, “I love you.” to meditation to taking a walk to calling that friend who always makes you laugh to dancing in your space to diving into your work or a hobby. Shine your love light on your insecurities. 


Be Honest

We can be so creative in the ways we self-sabotage. Of course, our own narrative can contribute the most to holding ourselves back. How we frame possibility. How we allow fear to be in the driver seat. And how we choose numbing familiarity over the expansive potential of disruptive change. In all of it, we bend and twist and sometimes force gratitude into the mix. Contentment is a state of clam. Settling is accepting less than what you desire. Gratitude is appreciation for it all. Leaning does not come from certainty. Growth is not stagnant. Be. 



We trap ourselves in our circumstances (choice). But know this, your circumstances were once consequences of choices you made. You can make new choices about the life you want to create and live. And though your circumstances may seem daunting and overpowering, your choices can help you overcome, persevere, be exactly who you are meant to be. 



To feel free is to release the self-imposed restraints of what others may think or say about your truth. Your truth is yours to accept and nurture. Hiding your truth in the dark drains energy which could be used for self-healing, self-forgiveness, self-love, and self-expression. Your truth is worthy of the light.
