S2E4 : How About You?

We often react to what others are doing instead of PAUSING to respond in a more thoughtful, loving way. This matters. Because our lives affect each other.

We often react to what others are doing instead of PAUSING to respond in a more thoughtful, loving way. This matters. Because our lives affect each other.

S2E2 : How About A Cupcake And A Hugfest?

The choice to love resides in each of us - in every moment.

The choice to love resides in each of us - in every moment.

Live Intentionally

Go deeper than an unhealthy habit or a new hobby. Connect with your truth and chart that trajectory. Stop hiding what you really want. The life you deserve is not a bargain or a compromise. You don’t settle for life. You surrender to your inner calling and lean into every adventure.



What a beautiful moment in time to consider stepping back from the debate. To release the need to persuade. To give ourselves to oneness. To listen. To connect with our love energy. To be there with and for each other. To let go of our greedy desire to be right. To simply, lovingly, glowingly, and magnificently...be.


Speak Peacefully

What you say. How you say it. The words you choose. The volume of your voice. It all contributes to the energy you decide to create when you speak. This is not about buffering yourself or being inauthentic. It’s an opportunity to align your voice with love.


Holding Space

We can’t hold space for each other when we are talking at the same time, forcing our beliefs, judging, hating, lying, hurting, or outright ignoring each other. Holding space is listening, accepting, empathizing, learning, and openness. Holding space is love.


Journey of Love

This is personal for me. I’ve struggled mightily this year with misinformation, conspiracies, and alternative facts. I am not a politician, a scientist, or an expert in way shape or form. I am a human being trying to live empathetically, compassionately, and lovingly. And guess what, I still fail at it. Until I can consistently and wholeheartedly live a life of love, everything else seems secondary to me. You can be right and I’ll be wrong. You can believe the world is out to get you while I try to be a gentler human being. You can seek out and promote darkness (as if we need reminding) while I try to shine my light. You can be curious about wrongdoing while I try to learn how to do love. I’m not perfect. I’m not better than. I’m not an elite. I’m not spiritually superior. I am a human being on a journey of love...


Talk About Love

Afraid? Talk about love. Got a problem? Talk about love. Going through a tough patch? Talk about love. Unsure of your next step? Talk about love. Having a disagreement? Talk about love. Trying to heal? Talk about love. Want change? Talk about love.
