Love Is Simple

We have found different ways and words to justify the judgment of others. Social media and cancel culture. Anonymous attacks to expose. All done for the greater good. Shaming, in any context, does not teach or heal. We have become so removed from love energy that it is no longer our primary expression with each other. We reserve it as we create conditions. We deny it to determine if it’s deserved. We preach oneness and practice separation. We ask for positivity and share negativity. Love is simple, but we’ve made loving difficult.


Hard Truth

How you speak to yourself and treat yourself makes all the difference in the world. We want to thrive and grow. We have hurt that needs healing. We have dreams we yearn to pursue. In all of it, being honest and meeting ourselves where we are at deserves our tenderness, our compassion, our patience. Though the truth may be hard, how we move into and through it can be graceful.


Face Yourself

We are not our fears. We do give them a place to live within us. We do nurture them with limiting beliefs. We do attach to the expectations we want from our experiences and relationships. We can become aware. We can set intentions. We can accept and release. We can heal. We can love. We can live our truth.


Loss As A Doorway

Seeing loss as a doorway shifts the perspective. A doorway is an entry point, not the destination. A doorway invites movement. A doorway is a boundary. Seeing loss as a doorway can also bring awareness to attachment. This commitment to self awakens emotions, inspires deep introspection, and creates space for acceptance. Movement.


Are You Being Honest?

As you journey into self-love, healing, love, discovery, relationships, career....your life, you need to be honest with yourself and those in your life.

As you journey into self-love, healing, love, discovery, relationships, career....your life, you need to be honest with yourself and those in your life.

Be Curious

When we are hurting, it can be difficult to lean in and face the pain. Oftentimes, we just want to avoid it and hope it goes away. And then our minds run wild with judgments and stories about the past and the future. In the present moment is where we can unlearn our patterns and learn lessons. If we choose to be curious about what is hurting within ourselves and question the pain, the experience can shift from heartache to healing. Sure, it may feel excruciating. It can also be illuminating. You begin to understand rather than replay. This experience is unique for each individual as well as possible for each individual.


Radical Love

Love energy is the most divine and transformative energy. It is within all of us. It connects all of us. Love is how we accept, release, heal, teach, learn, and evolve. Radical love is about no longer settling. No longer compromising. No longer hiding behind contentment while your inner fire burns. Radical love is next level living.


Love Messages

When we find ourselves in relationships that are contingent on what we put in and what we get out, connection has become transaction. Of course, there is responsibility and accountability in relationship. However, if the base of it is, “Look what I’ve done for you.” or “I owe you, because of what I’ve done or haven’t done.” ego and fear are driving feelings and behaviors rather than self and love. 


Healthy Distractions

Engaging in activities that are positive and productive can benefit our wellness, sense of self-worth, and attitude. However, to force engagement, even in something healthy, and not also work on your pain, trauma, and darkness is fear-based. It tends to be more about hiding instead of healing.


Where Did I Go?

A re-introduction to me…

This is a re-introduction of myself. This is vulnerable introspection. This is a new beginning. Join me.


Giving of yourself to prove yourself. Compromising yourself to keep the peace. Settling because of fear, guilt, shame. Hiding your truth to not be rejected. Telling others you’re fine when you’re not. Creating a narrative about life being about surviving not thriving, scarcity not abundance, sacrifice not self-love. 


Patience With Pain

This may seem counterintuitive. When we hurt, we just want it to end. This is not a suggestion for simplicity or easiness. Pain is a natural experience of life just as love is. Sit with it, but no need to be stuck in it. Lean into it, learn from it, and then leave it. Allow yourself to feel it. Allow yourself to mourn. Allow yourself to heal. Pain becomes what you make it. It can become an excruciating lesson or it can become debilitating suffering. The choice is always yours.

Don’t ask yourself, “How long will this pain last?” but instead, gently ask yourself, “What do I need in this moment to heal?” 

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Love Messages

You may be the one. 

We are not truthful about our wants and needs. We force for the sake of maintaining. We label acts of obligated duty as forms of love. We give up and call it compromise. We hide in our own shadow and claim we are private. We seek confirmation that feels safe. We avoid honest reflection and conversations that feel threatening. We give power to our faults. We see our self-worth as secondary to pleasing others.


True Connection

Connection is natural. It’s effortless. It’s freeing and grounding. It brings two people together in ways that are next level. Connection is deeper than what you see. It’s a feeling in your soul, in your heart. No matter the circumstances, a true connection surrenders in joy.

Connection is not an unhealthy attachment. Unhealthy attachments are rooted in codependence, destructive yearning, or are forced, and are most often fear-based.


Your Energy

Your energy can be a source of loving kindness and healing support. You can manifest peace. You can express love. You can be positive. This is not an attempt to ignore what ails each of us. It’s a way to ground each of us. To connect with our light to move through the darkness. We can overcome or be overcome.
