Burn It Off

Consider it to be a realization. A rebirth. A revealing. Of your truth. Of your love. That fire is not for devouring you and causing you suffering, though pain is part of it. That fire (a decision, a conversation, an action of some kind) is there to purify you and help you release all that has been weighing you down and holding you back.


A Love In Progress

Shift your mindset. See all that you do and all that you are as a love experience. Too often, we limit what we can do and who we can be, because we label it as work. It may sound like word play, but think about you “feel” when you are forever referring to learning, healing, adventuring, or changing as work.

Perhaps when it comes to your well-being, it’s less about putting in the work and more about putting in the love.

I am a love.PNG

The Lounge Podcast - Ep.2 Where Are You?

Episode 2 is HERE!!!!

This time around I chat about how a pandemic might be a good time for self-reflection.

Pandemics are real and can be scary, but they can also serve as opportunities for self-reflection.

The Lounge Podcast Ep. 1 - Are You Ready?

Tune in for my first episode on my newly launched podcast, The Lounge!!!!

In this episode, I chat about being “ready”, how our brains like to overprotect us, and changing your mindset from, “What will happen?” to “What can I learn?”

This is my first podcast episode! Yay! I talk about being ready, not feeling ready, and changing the question from "Am I ready?" to "What Can I learn?"

It's Always New

The new year brings a level of awareness for those of you who were not so aware during the previous year. You share resolutions. You pledge changes. You proclaim a rebirth is at hand.

That newness is available in every moment you get to experience. Every moment is brand new. No moment has ever been before.

This means, you experience a new year in every moment!

What are you going to do with this moment?

Daily Moment of Awareness [10.27.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

Life is the experience. Of course, our choices influence the experience. How we perceive it affects the experience. How we feel about our life experience is on each of us to explore.

People so often misunderstand and ultimately, become jaded, about how much YOU determine what your life experience will be. The work, meditation, praying, positive thinking, law of attraction. vibration, visualizing, etc. are all means to discover and move through the life experience.

The great majority of us will go through the the end of a relationship. And all of us will witness the loss of a loved one. It’s not about avoiding such happenings or pretending they do not evoke strong emotions within us. It’s all about the choices we make to accept, to learn from, and to move through them. Those are the times when we can, very much so, affect, influence, shift, our life experience.

Feeling pain? What are you doing to heal? Feeling stuck? What are you doing to grow?

Daily Moment of Awareness [10.24.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

You don’t heal by denying how you feel. You don’t heal by pretending you don’t feel what you feel. You don’t heal by forcing yourself to feel one way or another.

You heal by facing your hurt. By sitting with your pain. By grieving. By doing the work to honor what has happened and how you feel. By taking healthy steps in times of anguish and frustration. By accepting the ups, downs, and swirls of hurt. By reaching out and going within. By crying. Screaming. Sleeping. Breathing. Reflecting, Meditating or praying. Going to counseling, therapy, coaching. By doing whatever is necessary for you to engage, feel, and walk through the hurt. No timeline. Be patient.

You can feel and heal.

Daily Moment of Awareness [10.20.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

While we enjoy the majesty of this life, we will also experience pain. We all will. There is no avoiding it. In fact, a life spent trying to avoid pain leads to suffering.

Pain happens, whether unexpected (loss of a loved one, natural disaster, etc.) or as a result of our own doing (ruminating in resentment, allowing fear to influence our choices, etc.). The lesson is no matter the source of pain, it’s how (or if) we decide to face it that will shape us. Choosing not to embrace pain will lead to suffering. Facing pain in unhealthy ways (through numbing = drugs, sleep, pretending, etc.) will also lead to suffering. And it is suffering that gives pain power to manipulate you into believing you cannot heal.

Pain is another experience we must move through. Don’t get wrapped up in the pace of it. Do notice if you are stagnating.

Give action to pain. Ask for help (friend, family, counseling, etc.) Meditate. Pray. Journal. Engage in healthy activities (exercise, reading, walking, etc.). Other forms of action include: expressing your truth, acceptance, forgiveness, love.

Move through your pain so you can heal in love.

Daily Moment of Awareness [10.15.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

“Why didn’t that person respond as I had hoped?” or “Why didn’t that situation unfold as I had hoped?

Have you ever asked those questions? I do. In fact, I did this morning.

These questions place our attention on the outside of ourselves. Even when our intentions are pure and our preparation is solid, people and situations are ultimately out of our “control.” Sure we can affect both by what we bring to each, but that’s where it stops. We cannot control responses.

However, we can choose how we respond to a person’s response and or the unfolding of a situation. Ask yourself how you feel and why? Ask yourself what you could learn. And then, you can choose to ground yourself in the reality of the present moment.