On Self-Love

Self-love can mean different things to different people. To some, it is setting boundaries to stay away from negative people, setting time aside for yourself, or simply taking time to put yourself first and do what is best for your mental and physical health. No matter what, self-love is key to our overall happiness and wellbeing.

The most important thing to remember about self-love is that you have to focus on the positive aspects. It’s easy to get wrapped up in negative self-talk and focus on what you believe are your flaws. But instead of focusing on what you don’t like about yourself, it’s important to foster a positive attitude and instead look at your best qualities and focus on how you can improve them.

One of the best ways to practice self-love is to take some time to practice self-care.

Courage and Grace

We feel the need to pep-talk ourselves into living our truth. And yet, our truth is like our breath. It’s right there. To connect with. To witness. To love. Be courageous in self-love and self-acceptance. Be graceful as you learn and expand.

Your Life Is Not A Math Problem

We go all in with trying to make sense of it all. To find the logic. And yet, when we are asked to talk about how we feel…we struggle to express ourselves. Though our emotions may not be facts to apply to the world, they can help us understand who we are and why we act as we do or don’t.


Something we forget to do or never even think to do is forgive ourselves. That self experience can be so powerful, so healing. It provides space within ourselves to forgive others, be grateful for who and what are in our lives, and love deeper.

Your Past Is No Copilot

It happened. You still remember it. You still feel it. You still wonder what could have been different about it. You’re also not obligated to give it attention. You’re not required to carry it into new experiences. You do not need to include it in your plans.

Is It Really Self Doubt?

Often times, we think we have doubts about our decision making or needs/wants or dreams or abilities or direction we are feeling pulled to explore. Could be. May also be what we think we need to hear or experience from others along the journey.

New Month. New Mindset.

Every moment is an opportunity. You can make choices for your healing, your growth, your success, your fun, your well-being. You do not need to judge what others are doing or think about what others will say. Your authenticity’s reference point is YOU.