How we speak about ourselves and to ourselves sets the tone for how we feel about our life. Of course, times can get challenging, but those are the moments when we need to be our most patient, most loving, most graceful with ourselves.
Building You
Are you nurturing yourself? Too often we get caught up in what everyone else is up to and forget to gift ourself what we need to heal, to grow, to love.
Lean Into Your Life
The pursuit of your dreams can yield so much even if you don’t quite get there. You can learn lessons along the away. You can meet new people. You can discover more about yourself.
Check Yourself
Be honest with yourself. Be honest with others.
Rise Up In 2022
Let’s take it higher in 2022!
Your Light
Trust your own light.
What Do You Feel?
Not, what do you think you “should” feel?
Showing Up For You
You are worthy to be there for yourself every step of the way.
Endless Cups of Love
We can flood and float together.
True Story
Stop shoulding on yourself and then using it as an excuse to not believe in yourself and end up lamenting what might have been…
The Search
If you’re searching for the secret sauce, this is it.
30 Day Stay Home Gratitude Retreat
We all know November is about Gratitude! What if this November you can have your own private stay-at-home retreat? Well my friends you can!
Thanks to the beautiful heart and my BFF, Joe Longo, the amazing retreat is here for YOU!
~ 5 Monday night zoom sessions from 8 PM -9 PM EST with Joe Longo and a special guest sharing their stories to inspire us to connect to our gratitude and live our best life. Exact schedule of guest zoom’s will be released within the next couple of days.
~ Private Facebook group with Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts.
~ Facebook live meditation every Wednesday morning at 7:30 AM
We are fallible. We do make mistakes. We screw up. We fail. We trip. We fall. And guess what? All of that makes us human. Accepting imperfection and learning from it is how we grow, heal, and love.
Forgive Yourself
Forgive yourself. Sincerely gift yourself your own forgiveness. This is powerful and freeing. It also softens your heart so that you may love yourself too.
Your Ego & Your Heart
Survival mode. Protecting yourself. Setting boundaries. Avoiding risk. Being safe. Choosing security. Each is grounded in what you already know. But what about what you don’t know? Allow your curiosity to explore. Try new things. Ask questions. Be a learner. Lead with an open heart.
Love Fear
The research is out. Fear stops us in our tracks. I suggest, rather than avoiding your fear or fighting your fear, you try loving it. Welcome your fear into your life. To love is to act.
Live Intentionally
Our lives can be very misunderstood by others. What is YOUR mindset? What does YOUR heart feel? Walk your path at your own pace.
Live Before You Improve
The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. We hear that all the time. That statement implies something may (or may not be) better. But what if it’s not about being better? What if a decision, a choice, is made to reflect one’s truth? In essence, the intention to live authentically is the driver rather than the expectation of the outcome.
You Are Enough
Go with your natural flow. Fill yourself up with love. Flood yourself with compassion.
Face and Move
Sure, we must face our fears. But what may be even more necessary for living an authentic, blissful life, is facing what we do not feel we deserve. If you don't feel you are enough, if you do not believe you are worthy of your dream life, you stagnate.